2FA for SSO or VPN
- Static PINs are not secure and are always lost or mixed up by users
- Helpdesk is overloaded with requests related to password updates
- Clients don’t change their passwords regularly (low level of security)
- The use of USB tokens or SMS OTP is too complicated and not user-friendly
- Cost of authentication solutions is too high
Single sign-on (SSO) refers to the ability of employees to log in once with one set of credentials and receive access to all corporate apps, websites, and data for which they have permission. Usually, when accessing corporate portals, SaaS services, or apps, employees log in with their credentials or use an approved authentication solution. While static PINs are very easy to compromise, employees are requested to change their passwords regularly. As a result, users lose or forget their credentials and the IT helpdesk is always overloaded with requests related to password updates.
For the sake of security, more and more companies are moving to better authentication options, such as USB tokens or SMS OTP (one-time password). Both options are quite costly and create the worst user experience ever—retyping OTPs and carrying a USB token is a real pain point in terms of user experience. Moreover, distribution and maintenance of hardware tokens also takes a lot of resources.
With PayConfirm there is no need to remember logins or passwords. Your employees can just use a mobile app to authenticate and receive remote access to your corporate resources. Just tap “Confirm” on a smartphone screen to log in!
- Password related helpdesk requests decrease by 40%
- Log in time is 2-5 seconds with one tap on a smartphone
- Cost reduction up to 50% per year

- Trusted 2FA solution based on cryptography
- Secure access to SSO or VPN
- Fast authentication
- One-tap authentication
- Integrated into your mobile app or as a stand-alone solution